Recent Water Damage Posts

The Importance of Professional Water Extraction Services

6/12/2024 (Permalink)

SERVPRO working on water remediation Our team will perform water extraction services and cleanup after any type of water damage.

Water damage is a common issue that can wreak havoc on your property, and it can be caused by various factors, ranging from heavy rainfall to burst pipes. When water damage occurs, it is essential to act quickly to minimize the damage and prevent the spread of unwanted bacteria and mold.

One critical step in the water damage restoration process is professional water extraction. Water extraction involves removing any standing water from your property and drying out any moisture in the affected areas. It is critical to have a qualified and well-equipped team of professionals perform this task to ensure that your property is properly restored.

The importance of professional water extraction services cannot be overstated. Here are a few reasons why you should always enlist the help of experts when dealing with water damage.

Prevents Structural Damage:

Water can cause significant damage to the structure of your home or business. If left untreated, the water can seep into the walls, floors, and ceilings, weakening their integrity and compromising their stability. This can lead to serious structural damage and may require extensive repairs or even complete replacement. Professional water extraction services can prevent this damage by thoroughly removing all excess water from your property and implementing measures to dry and dehumidify the area. This helps to ensure that the structural components of your property remain intact and protected.

Prevents Mold Growth:

Mold growth can be a significant issue after a water damage event. Moisture-rich environments are breeding grounds for mold and other harmful bacteria that can pose a health risk to humans and pets. If not adequately addressed, mold can spread quickly, causing respiratory issues, skin irritation, and other health problems. Professional water extraction services can help prevent mold growth by removing excess moisture from the affected areas and implementing proper ventilation and airflow.

Saves Time and Money:

Water damage restoration can be a costly and lengthy process. The longer the water sits, the more damage it can cause, and the more expensive restoration becomes. By enlisting the help of professional water extraction services, you can save time and money in the long run. Professionals have access to specialized equipment and are trained to identify and address all areas where water damage may be present. This ensures that the water is thoroughly extracted, and the restoration process can begin as quickly as possible.

Assists with Insurance Claims:

Water damage can be overwhelming, particularly when dealing with insurance claims. Professional water extraction services can provide detailed documentation of the damage and the restoration process. This can assist with insurance claims and ensure that you receive fair compensation.

In conclusion, professional water extraction services are a critical component of the water damage restoration process. They prevent structural damage, prevent mold growth, save time and money, and assist with insurance claims. By enlisting the help of trained and experienced professionals, you can rest assured that your property will be properly restored to its pre-damage condition. If you have experienced water damage, don't hesitate to call SERVPRO® to ensure a prompt and professional restoration.

The Importance of Timely Water Damage Restoration

2/19/2024 (Permalink)

Employee working around a collapsed ceiling. The importance of timely water damage restoration cannot be overstated.

Water damage is a silent intruder that can wreak havoc on homes and businesses if not addressed promptly. Whether caused by burst pipes, leaks, or natural disasters, the consequences of water damage can escalate rapidly. 

Avoiding Secondary Damage

Water has the potential to compromise the structural integrity of buildings. Wood can warp, metal can corrode, and drywall can disintegrate when exposed to prolonged water exposure.

Water damage often leads to secondary issues such as rot, decay, and deterioration of building materials. Swift restoration minimizes the likelihood of secondary damage, reducing the overall scope of repairs and associated costs.

Protecting Belongings and Possessions

Water damage doesn't discriminate; it can affect personal belongings, furniture, and valuables. Timely restoration efforts can salvage and protect these items, preventing irreparable damage and minimizing the financial impact on homeowners or businesses.

Preventing Electrical Hazards

Water and electricity are a dangerous combination. Water damage can compromise electrical systems, leading to potential hazards such as electrical shocks or fires. Timely restoration helps address electrical issues promptly, mitigating safety risks.

Minimizing Business Downtime

For businesses, downtime due to water damage can result in significant financial losses. Swift restoration efforts minimize business interruptions, allowing operations to resume quickly and reducing the impact on revenue and customer relationships.

Addressing Water Contamination

Depending on the source of water damage, the water itself may be contaminated. This is common in cases of sewage backups or flooding. Insulation and flooring materials are particularly susceptible to water damage. Timely restoration prevents these materials from becoming breeding grounds for mold and helps retain the insulation and flooring's structural integrity.

Streamlining the Claims Process

Timely restoration can also expedite the insurance claims process. Documenting the damage and promptly initiating restoration efforts provides insurers with the necessary information, expediting the assessment and settlement of claims.

Perhaps the most intangible but valuable benefit of timely water damage restoration is the restoration of peace of mind. Swift action alleviates stress and anxiety, allowing homeowners and business owners to regain control of their living or working spaces.

The importance of timely water damage restoration cannot be overstated. By understanding the urgency and enlisting professional restoration services promptly, individuals and businesses can mitigate the impact of water damage, ensuring a faster return to normalcy and a more resilient future.

DIY vs. Professional Water Damage Cleanup - Which Option is Best?

10/10/2023 (Permalink)

A moisture meter on a tile floor measuring the moisture levels beneath the tile. Professional water damage restoration services from SERVPRO® are the most reliable way to ensure a thorough and efficient recovery process.

Water damage can strike unexpectedly, leaving homeowners with the crucial decision of whether to tackle the restoration themselves or seek professional assistance. In this blog, we'll explore the pros and cons of DIY water damage restoration vs. professional services, helping you make an informed choice that suits your Pleasanton, CA, home.

The DIY Approach

DIY water damage restoration can seem like a cost-effective option, but it comes with some significant challenges. Most homeowners lack the knowledge and expertise needed to assess the extent of damage accurately. Water can penetrate hidden areas, leading to hidden problems like mold growth.

DIY efforts typically involve standard household tools, which may not be sufficient for thorough drying and restoration. Professional-grade equipment, like industrial dehumidifiers and moisture meters, is essential for effective restoration. Incomplete drying can lead to mold growth, which can be hazardous to your health. Professionals have the training to prevent and address mold issues.

If DIY efforts lead to further damage or mold growth, insurance claims may be denied. Professional services often have the necessary certifications and can navigate insurance processes more effectively.

Professional Water Damage Restoration

Seeking professional services from SERVPRO® of Pleasanton/Dublin offers numerous advantages. Our trained technicians have years of experience in assessing and mitigating water damage. They can identify hidden issues, ensure thorough drying, and prevent mold growth. We use advanced equipment to extract water, dry affected areas, and monitor moisture levels. This ensures the most efficient and effective restoration. Our team is skilled in mold prevention and remediation, reducing the risk of long-term concerns and property damage.

Our team of professionals works swiftly to minimize damage and prevent further issues. Prompt action can save you time and money in the long run. SERVPRO® can work directly with your insurance company to ensure a smooth claims process, increasing the likelihood of coverage for restoration costs.

While DIY water damage restoration may be tempting to save money upfront, the risks and challenges associated with it can lead to costly consequences. In Pleasanton, CA, professional water damage restoration services from SERVPRO® of Pleasanton/Dublin are the most reliable way to ensure a thorough and efficient recovery process. Our experienced technicians, state-of-the-art equipment, and insurance expertise can provide peace of mind and a swift return to a safe and dry home. When water damage strikes, make the smart choice and contact SERVPRO® for professional restoration services tailored to your Pleasanton property's unique needs. Your home deserves the best care, and we are here to provide it.

Dealing with a Water Line Break: Immediate Steps to Take and Minimizing Damage

7/13/2023 (Permalink)

A water line break can be a sudden and stressful situation, causing extensive water damage to your property if not addressed promptly. Knowing what to do in such an emergency can make a significant difference in minimizing the damage and ensuring a smoother resolution. In this blog post, we will guide you through the immediate steps to take when faced with a water line break and provide essential tips to mitigate the damage.

Shut Off the Main Water Supply

The first and most crucial step is to shut off the main water supply to your home. Locate the main shut-off valve and turn it off to stop the flow of water. This will help prevent further flooding and minimize water damage.

Assess the Severity of the Break

Evaluate the severity of the water line break and determine whether it's a minor leak or a major rupture. If it's a minor leak, you may be able to temporarily stop or reduce the flow of water using a shut-off valve or by tightening the connection. However, in the case of a major break or burst pipe, it's best to leave the repairs to professionals.

Call a Professional Plumber

Contact a licensed and experienced plumber as soon as possible. Explain the situation and provide details about the water line break. A professional plumber will have the expertise and necessary equipment to assess the damage, make repairs, and restore your water supply safely.

Remove Excess Water

If there is standing water, use mops, buckets, or a wet/dry vacuum to remove as much water as possible. Promptly addressing standing water will help prevent further damage to your property, such as warped flooring or mold growth.

Document the Damage

Take photographs or videos of the water damage caused by the line break. This documentation will be valuable for insurance purposes and can assist with your claim, should you need to file one. Throughout the process, keep a detailed record of all communication, expenses, and repairs related to the water line break. This will be valuable when dealing with insurance claims or if any disputes arise later on.

Contact Your Insurance Company

Notify your insurance company about the water line break and the resulting damage. Provide them with the necessary information and follow their instructions regarding filing a claim. Keep records of all communication with your insurance company, including claim numbers and names of representatives.

Dry and Dehumidify the Affected Areas

After removing excess water, thoroughly dry the affected areas. Use fans, dehumidifiers, or open windows to facilitate airflow and aid in drying. Mold can start growing within 24-48 hours, so it's crucial to dry the area as quickly as possible.

Mitigate Further Damage

Take measures to mitigate further damage. If there are any exposed electrical outlets or appliances near the water-affected areas, turn off the electricity to those areas or unplug the appliances to prevent electrical hazards. Move furniture, rugs, and other belongings away from the wet areas to prevent additional damage.

Seek Professional Restoration Services

Depending on the extent of the water damage, you may need to enlist the services of professional restoration specialists. They have the expertise and equipment to assess, dry, and restore your property, minimizing the risk of further damage and mold growth.

Experiencing a water line break can be a stressful situation, but by taking immediate action and following the steps outlined above, you can mitigate the damage and restore your property effectively. Remember to shut off the main water supply, contact a professional plumber, document the damage, contact your insurance company, dry the affected areas, and seek professional restoration services when needed. Acting swiftly and seeking professional assistance will help you navigate through this challenging situation and restore your home to its pre-damage state.

How to take care of frozen pipes.

3/7/2023 (Permalink)

If you live in an area that gets cold, you know how important it is to keep your pipes from freezing. If your pipes freeze and burst, it can be a major inconvenience as well as very expensive to fix them. Luckily, there are some simple steps you can take to prevent this from happening.

Temperature of your water heater.

Check the temperature of your water heater. A water heater should be set to 120 degrees, but many people don't realize how much energy is wasted if it's set too high. If you have an older model, the thermostat might not be accurate and may even be broken altogether, in this case, consider getting a professional to adjust it for you or buying a new one altogether.

Open cabinet doors under sinks.

If you have a cabinet under your sink, open it and check for frozen pipes. When the temperature starts to drop, this can leave the cabinet cool and opening the cabinet allows heat from the property to help control the temperature. If the cabinet is unable to open, place a heater infront of the cabinet to help control the temperature above freezing. Check outdoor spigots for leaks or drips and if you find a leak or drip, turn off the water to that faucet and call a plumber or heating and cooling company immediately for repairs.

Remove any property that has been damaged by water.

Once you have identified the source of the leak, it's time to remove any property that has been damaged by water. Remove anything that is wet or has been damaged by water, including carpeting and drywall. Dry out the area as much as possible before removing anything else.

Remove furniture and appliances to help prevent secondary damages to the source of the loss. This will prevent stains and potential for Mold to grow in areas that are left unseen.

Controlling the temperature in the home or business is crucial when the temperatures start to fall below freezing. If you see any signs of frozen pipes make sure to contact the professionals immediately to help prevent secondary damages to your home or business. SERVPRO of Pleasanton/Dublin has professionals who are ready to respond at the first sign of water damage. 

Who do I call if there is Water Damage in my attic?

2/7/2023 (Permalink)

Water damage in your attic can be one of the most frustrating and stressful home repair projects to address. From finding the source of the problem, to dealing with insurance companies, to making sure your home is safe from any further damage.

SERVPRO of Pleasanton/Dublin team is here for you 24/7, ready and willing to assist with all aspects of water cleanup and restoration in your attic space. We'll make sure that every aspect of this process goes smoothly for you, including working with insurance companies so that you get what you deserve!

Why is there water in my attic?

There are several reasons why you could be experiencing water damage in your attic, but the most common culprits include:

  • Roof leaks. If you have a leaky roof and do not repair it, then it could result in mold or mildew developing that spreads through your walls and into other areas of the home. This type of damage can cost thousands of dollars to repair properly, so if you see any signs of moisture on or around your ceiling or walls, contact a professional as soon as possible before further damage occurs.
  • Storm Damage. Storms can happen anytime day or night leaving your home affected by wind or rain damage. After a storm, it is important to access the damage to help prevent secondary damages.

How do I know if I have water damage in the attic?

If you have water damage in the attic, there are several signs that can be helpful. This is by no means an exhaustive list, but it will give you a better idea of what to look for.

  • Your ceiling may have wet spots or mold on it.
  • If you have a leaky roof, the insulation might be wet and will need to be replaced.
  • If there’s a leak somewhere else in your home and water has managed to get into your attic, it’s possible that some of your walls may show signs of damage.
  • The air vents themselves could also be damaged by water damage if they were exposed during a heavy rain storm or due to other types of flooding. Any holes or cracks in these air vents cannot only cause problems with energy efficiency but also increase risk for fire hazards due to lack of proper ventilation.

What to do when you find Water Damage

Once you've determined that there is water damage in your attic, the first step is to call a professional water damage restoration company. They will have the resources needed to get all of the water out of your house and dry it out properly.

Once they've removed all of the wet insulation, carpeting and drywall, they'll need to dry this out as well. If possible, place fans in each room until it's completely dried out. You should also get rid of any furniture or other items that were soaked by removing them from your home if possible; otherwise keep them away from heat sources such as radiators and fireplaces so they don't start drying out prematurely

The SERVPRO Pleasanton/Dublin team is ready to assist with water damage in your attic, no matter how big or small the situation. Contact us today.

Water damage can be a total nightmare, but with the right tools and knowledge, you can get through it. Give us a call today if you need help with any kind of emergency or disaster situation—from mold to fire cleanup, we’re here for whatever comes your way.

What To Do If Your Furniture Is Damaged By Water

12/7/2022 (Permalink)

What To Do If Your Furniture Is Damaged By Water

Water is a powerful force that can wreak havoc on your home and furniture. Whether it's from a broken pipe, flooding due to heavy rains, or even just spilling something on the table, water damage can cause significant stains and even rot or mold. Thankfully, there are ways you can salvage your damaged piece of furniture, so it doesn't have to go in the dumpster!

Ventilate the room

Once you've dried up your furniture, you'll want to make sure the room is well-ventilated. Open windows and doors where possible and use a fan to get air circulating in the area. This will help air out any damp odors or lingering moisture.

If your furniture has taken on water, it may be best to remove it from the room as soon as possible. Leaving wet items in closed spaces can increase their chances of molding over time.

Wipe down heavy residue from the surface

If there is any heavy residue on the furniture, use a soft, damp cloth to wipe it down. Be careful not to rub too hard or you could damage your furniture even further.

If you have excess water in the crevices of your furniture and you're worried about getting it all out, use a small brush to clean them out and make sure everything dries properly.

Use a hair dryer or fan to dry the furniture

If you don't have a hair dryer or a fan, you can still use the heat from another source to dry your furniture. Just try not to damage it by doing so.

  • Don't use a heat gun: A heat gun is basically just like a hairdryer, but stronger. They can pose a major fire hazard.
  • Do not use a heat lamp: A common mistake when trying to dry out furniture is using a heat lamp instead of something less intense like an air conditioner or fan. Heat lamps are very powerful and will likely damage your piece significantly.

Sort out books and papers that have gotten wet

If the book pages are still intact, you can remove them from the furniture to dry in a warm place. The book spine should be flat on top of a piece of cardboard so that no water seeps through it. If any pages have torn or become loose from their binding, they need to be handled with care: use tweezers or an old toothbrush to gently pry them open and then set them aside until they've dried out.

As for clothing and other items that were inside your bookshelves when they got wet—don't dry those out! It's best not to risk using heat for anything but the most necessary tasks here; remember that mold spores can grow on materials even at room temperature. Instead, set these items aside for now; if there's any mold present in the fabric or clothing fibers after 24 hours, discard them.

Leave objects alone until they dry out

The most important thing you can do when you discover that something has been damaged by water is to leave it alone. Your first instinct might be to move the furniture or put things back where they belong but doing so could damage them more and make the situation worse. Instead, put off any rearranging or moving until the objects are completely dry and safe.

Furniture can take a while to dry out, but if you follow these steps you can salvage it.

If your furniture has been damaged by water, it can be difficult to know what to do. Most people assume that the best thing to do is take the object and throw it away. But there are a few steps you can take that could save your ruined items and keep them from ending up in the landfill.

It can be a relief to know that there are steps you can take if your furniture gets wet. It’s unfortunate that this happened, but there’s no need to panic! By following these steps, you can save your furniture from water damage and make sure it doesn’t happen again.

Is Your Water Heater Making Noises?

11/10/2022 (Permalink)

Is Your Water Heater Making Noises?

If you have recently noticed that your water heater is making noises or if you have started to see sediment on the bottom of your tank, then there may be an issue with your water heater.

Over time, sediment collects at the bottom of your water heater and can cause your water heater to make noises.

Sediment is dirt, silt, and other particles that collect in the tank. When the tank heats up it expands causing pressure on the sides of your water heater tank. This causes friction between these materials which produces a scraping or grinding sound that you may hear when using hot water (especially if you're using hot water right away).

This can be more of an issue with older tanks than newer ones as they have been used longer and will have accumulated more sediment over time. If you have hard water this can build up faster than others with soft water because it contains minerals like calcium carbonate which sticks to everything.

Sediment buildup in your water heater can also be a problem, especially if you have hard water. Sediment is simply the buildup of minerals and other materials that have accumulated over time. These can range from simple salts to rust and other materials that result from the heating process. In addition to causing noise issues, sediment buildup reduces efficiency by limiting heat transfer through the walls, which leads to more maintenance costs and shorter lifespans for your appliance.

If the sediment layer is thick enough, it can keep your tank from heating the water properly. This means that you’re using more energy to heat water than you need to and that your hot water will take longer to get to its desired temperature. The sediment layer also has the potential to break down as it heats up and vibrates with activity in your home (for example, if someone runs a bath), which can cause an extremely loud noise.

You will notice less hot water and eventually no hot water if it is not treated.

If you have a water heater that's making noise, it could be a sign that sediment buildup is causing the problem. Sediment build-up can also cause your unit to be less efficient and can even cause clogged fixtures, slower drain rates, or low flow coming out of the faucets.

Sediment buildup in your water heater can cause noise problems and will make your unit less efficient. Sediment is a common problem with hot water heaters, especially older ones. If you’re noticing noises coming from your water heater and/or if it seems to take longer to get warm water than usual, sediments may be the culprit—and that’s not good news for anyone!

Sediment buildup in the tank can clog drains, which means that you may notice that certain fixtures aren’t draining properly. The added debris also reduces flow efficiency, which means it takes longer for the hot water to reach your faucets or shower heads.

There are many things that can cause your water heater to make noises, but if you have sediment buildup in your tank, it can be a major problem. If you have any questions about this or any other issue with your water heater, we would love to hear from you!

What To Do With Flooded Carpeting

4/13/2022 (Permalink)

Restoration machines are drying out a house with water damage The drying equipment we use at SERVPRO is top of the line in the restoration industry. Call us when you need it!

What Should You Do With Flooded Carpeting?

After a pipe break or other water damage event in your Pleasanton, CA, home, there will be much to deal with. Soaked carpets are a major issue and can lead to mold growth if not addressed properly.

Composition of Carpeted Floors

If you decide to keep some or all of the flooring that has been affected by a flood, it is important to make sure the entire floor is fully clean and dry. The following are the three main components of a carpeted floor:

  • Subfloor
  • Padding
  • Carpet

The subfloor is simply the flooring over which the carpeting is installed. The subfloor is often plywood, but can be concrete. The padding is the soft, foamy layer between the carpeting and the subfloor.

Drying Carpeted Floors

Simply drying the carpet is not enough to ensure mold growth and other issues won’t occur. A professional restoration service may be helpful in more severe cases, but in some situations you can dry the area yourself. If the flood water is clean, such as from a pipe break, you can keep the carpeting and the padding. If the water is contaminated, you will need to discard the padding and sanitize or replace the carpeting.

To ensure the whole floor is dry, pull up the layer of carpeting and check on the padding. If the padding has been wet for more than a day, it is a good idea to replace it as it may already be harboring mold. Otherwise, try using a wet/dry vacuum to suck up the moisture.

If you can’t get the padding fully dry, replace it. If the subfloor is also wet, the wet/dry vacuum may be able to extract much of the moisture. You can dry out the remaining moisture by running a dehumidifier or fan in the area. The carpeting itself can dry in the sunshine or with the help of a wet/dry vacuum.

Dealing with carpet after a pipe break or other water damage event can be tricky. Remember to act quickly to prevent mold growth and make sure everything is clean and dry before completing the restoration process.

Regular Inspections Help You Avoid Plumbing Problems``

3/4/2022 (Permalink)

Inspections On A Regular Basis Can Help You Avoid Plumbing Issues.

Do you remember the last time you inspected the plumbing in your Murfreesboro, TN, building? If not, it's time for a checkup. Over time, your pipes can break down, leak or corrode and put you at risk for plumbing problems. Regular maintenance is the key to prevention.

Main Areas To Inspect

During your maintenance inspection, be sure to look at the main areas:

  • Pipes
  • Drains
  • Valves
  • Water heater

It's also a good idea to check any areas that have given you trouble in the past.

Leaks and Corrosion

Undetected water leaks can cost you thousands on your water bill. Look for signs of active leaks, including puddles, moisture and water spots. Keep an eye out for mold or mildew, which are indicators of moisture.

Corrosion on your pipes might mean they are nearing the end of their useful life. A corroded area can lead to a broken pipe. Repair and replace damaged fixtures as needed and clean lime scale from faucets and shower heads.

Drains and Backflow Testing

Slow or clogged drains should be cleared. Consider a camera inspection if you cannot clear the drain. There may be root growth or other plumbing problems.

Commercial buildings are required to have backflow prevention devices and backflow testing once a year to prevent contamination.

Shutoff Valves

Check all safety and shutoff valves and replace broken ones. Valves that are correctly working ensure you will be able to turn off the water at the source of a problem instead of shutting off the whole system at the water main.

Water Heater

Make sure your water heater is operating safely and at the correct temperature. Check overflows and safety valves and immediately address any repairs.

Water Pressure

Water pressure should stay between 40psi and 80psi. Multi-level buildings may have high pressure on the lower levels, while the pressure drops on the higher levels.

If you find water damage and need help with remediation, you can call a professional restoration company to assist with cleanup and repair. Regular maintenance and inspection will help you avoid major plumbing problems.

Your Insurance Adjuster Is a Big Fan of Organization

1/3/2022 (Permalink)

Restoration machines are cleaning water damage in a home. When your home requires water damage repair and restoration, our crew is here to help! We're standing by 24/7 to respond to your emergency

Your Insurance Adjuster Is A Huge Proponent Of Planning.

Feel sorry for home adjusters, especially when they come in teams to handle a regional disaster in the Dublin, CA area. They work long hours. Claimants are neither happy nor prepared. The list of water damage claims goes on and on. When they finally do sleep, they dream that they will one day visit an insured who is organized and ready to go.

Learn Where You Stand and What You Need to Do

You may already know everything there is to know about how your policy covers your home for water damage, but that’s not enough. You need to have a good understanding of the insurance claim process and your responsibilities in it. Here are a few questions you should ask your agent or company in your initial call:

  • What is the deadline for filing claims?
  • Can temporary repairs to secure the home proceed?
  • When can permanent repairs begin?
  • What do you need for documentation?
  • Will your insurance pay for you to relocate temporarily?

Hopefully, your insurer doesn’t expect you let the water damage continue to grow while you wait for a home adjuster. If they allow you to begin before the adjuster shows up, make sure that you understand the rules.

Be That Insured That Adjusters Dream About

Your adjuster needs copies of everything you can collect. If you can provide these items in an organized fashion, your adjuster will be ecstatic:

  • Bills
  • Receipts
  • Digital photos
  • Inspection reports
  • Written bids

Also, the adjuster must have the opportunity to examine big-ticket items destined for the dump, if possible. However, bear in mind that no adjuster wants to inspect a damaged freezer full of food three weeks after the event. Dispose of the contents.

The Home Adjuster Approved Your Claim, and You May Begin Permanent Repairs

When it comes to repairs, it’s always best to choose a company that works well with insurance companies. You will find such a team of water damage restoration experts nearby and ready to begin.